Tag: Siberia

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Already back in Moscow: Russia withdraws its ambassador from Washington

According to media reports, Russia's ambassador to the US, Anatoly Ivanovich Antonov, has ended his stay in the United States and returned to Moscow....

Was it a test of courage? – Siberia: Boy injures three classmates with hammer

At a school in Siberia, a 13-year-old attacked and injured three classmates with a hammer on Monday morning. The boy used the instrument to...

Type Tu-22M3 – Russian bomber crashed over Siberia

The Russian Air Force has lost a Tu-22M3 medium-range bomber (NATO code Backfire) in a crash in Siberia. The plane crashed during a routine...

Tolokonnikova in Linz! – Pussy Riots: the fight against Putin’s regime continues

The fight against Putin's regime will never end: Nadya Tolokonnikova (34), founder of the punk band Pussy Riot, exhibits at OK in Linz. ...

New prison conditions – Putin opponent now banned from bed in Siberia

Well-known Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Mursa has been transferred to a cell with difficult conditions in a Siberian penal colony for six months, according to...


