Animal welfare more important – Austrians “fly” to regional food


Many consumers in Austria pay attention to regionally produced food when shopping. For about a fifth of those surveyed, locality is the most important decision factor when buying groceries. For 60 percent it is one of the three most important subjects to choose from.

Short transport routes and support for local agriculture are the main reasons to buy products from the region.

There is a discrepancy in the assessment of their own behavior compared to the population as a whole: about 57 percent of the survey participants rated their own shopping behavior as “very or rather regional”. On the other hand, only 19 percent believe the general population does the same.

Young people attach great importance to animal welfare and sustainability
Young people in particular attach great importance to animal welfare, regionality and sustainability. High inflation was also reflected in the survey. Three-quarters of the respondents indicate that they are now paying more attention to the price than before.

Attention to animal welfare is seen as an important trend – there is an increase here compared to previous studies, according to the driver analysis of Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GmbH.

Source: Krone


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