Website owners residing or registered in the region of Murcia, be they companies, associations, groups or individuals, have until Monday the opportunity to participate in the XIV edition of the LA VERDAD Web Awards. Readers who wish to propose their candidates can also propose their candidates, provided that their owners meet the requirements stated in the bases (accessible through the website
As always, all sites presented have a descriptive file with a link within the competition website. Participation in this initiative is completely free. All you need to do is open the registration form and provide the candidate’s web address, the name of the entity or person who owns it and the agency or person who created the page and a brief description of it.
To all this we need to add a screenshot. All these ingredients make up the tab of the presented ‘site’. LA VERDAD announces these trophies as every year, in an attempt to recognize the work of Murcians on the net and to focus on the most original websites, of the highest quality or which offer particularly useful services to the citizen in an environment where the not always easy to mark.
The candidates can present themselves in one of the six categories that make up the competition: companies, ‘e-commerce’, ‘start-ups’, associations, leisure or service websites and personal pages or blogs. Except in the latter case, it is necessary to have your own domain. The XIV edition of the LA VERDAD Web Awards is possible thanks to the sponsorship of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the Municipal Council of Murcia, CaixaBank and Gesa Mediación and the collaboration of ENAE, Biku, Carrillo Asesores and Timur.
Source: La Verdad

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.