Erkoreka asks the government of Spain “a political impetus” to realize the pending transfers


The spokesman for the Basque government confirms that the legal difficulties in the powers are “an excuse” that “is not to hinder transfers”.

The First Deputy Lehendakari and Security Councilor of the Basque Government, Josu Erkoreka, has summoned the Government of Spain “a political push” for the transfer to Euskadi of the . to realise powers of the Gernika . Statute.

As explained in the “Faktoria” program of Euskadi Irratia, Erkoreka has stated that in recent times there have been “no movements representing progress” in the process of completing the pending transfers, although there are “statements showing the will “.

He also emphasized that “the excuse” of legal trouble that they can exist in the transfer of certain powers to the Basque Country “it is not new, as I have always heard it in the transfer processes in which I have participated” and that “it does not serve to hinder transfers”.

In this sense, he pointed out that “I have heard that the Gernika statute is of a different generation and does not provide for many matters that appeared later”, which in his view means “not knowing how the division of powers works between the state and the autonomous communities.

Erkoreka has stated that “we will see if something comes out in September” and that the Basque government is “waiting and ready” so that, “if something is suggested that is valid and can be accepted, we meet and sign what is what to sign.”

crimes and crime

Erkoreka has assured that in 2022, so far, have increased crimes related to sexual freedom and crimes on the internet. “Compared to 2021 and 2019, the increase in both types of crime is striking, so we pay special attention,” he explains.

The balance of the summer parties “is better than expected”. And it’s that “there was curiosity to see what behaviors we were going to see at parties, and we verified that we’ve returned to the 2019 trend, with the same or similar behavior.” Erkoreka stressed that “that fear of worsening the situation has not materialized and we have returned to the dynamics of 2019”. In that sense, he specified that “we have reached criminal ratios that are the usual”.

Likewise, when asked about this summer’s puncture cases, Erkoreka pointed out that “the peculiarity of this year was that it is a phenomenon that has caused concern because it was not known where they came from and what they were looking for.” goods”. However, “after the establishment of a specific and exhaustive protocol, all matters have had continuity and the conclusion that we can draw from the point of view of crime is that we have achieved nothing but to intimidate the woman“.

Regarding the possibility of these crimes being treated as a hate crime, the spokesperson pointed out that the Ertzaintza and each judge make their own qualification and that “they approached it from a first perspective to see the dimension it also had in each case.” “. In that sense, he added that “the investigations have not led to much, as there has been no arrest in this regard.” “We can make sure there are punctures, but we haven’t found people who have, push or organize punctures,” he added.

On the other hand, regarding the possibility of the municipal police carrying weapons, Erkoreka has said that this is an issue currently under discussion in a municipal coordinating committee. In fact, he has reminded that the sentences of several judges insist on the need for local police to also carry weapons. “It is this committee that is responsible for the debate on how to coordinate it, and what comes out of it will be channeled into parliament by decree,” he added. Likewise, he has ensured that community police officers do not all have the same level, because they are sometimes organized into police forces, so this rule will not have the same effect in all municipalities.

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Source: EITB


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