Maiorga Ramírez Confirms It Is Now Appropriate To Hold Primaries And “End EA’s Black Cycle”


A court in Vitoria-Gasteiz has dismissed the latest appeal filed by EA’s general secretary, Eba Blanco, against the order ordering the repeat of the primaries in which she was elected following the annulment of Ramírez’s candidacy.

Euskaraz irakurri: Maiorga Ramirezek gave primaryak egin behar direla “Earen ziklo beltzari amaiera emateko”

Mayorga Ramirez, one of the leaders of EA’s so-called critical sector has maintained after the last court resolution that what is now appropriate is start the primary process and thus “end the black cycle” in which the formation is submerged.

A court in Vitoria-Gasteiz has dismissed the latest appeal filed by EA’s general secretary, Eba Blanco, against the order ordering the repeat of the primaries in which she was elected following the annulment of Ramírez’s candidacy.

Ramírez has referred to this resolution in statements to the media in Pamplona where, given the possibility of appeal against this resolution to the Constitutional Court, he has insisted that, in his view, “the path of the courts is exhausted”.

And it is that, as he has noted, among other things, “Article 56, which regulates the possibility that the amparo appeal may lead to a suspension of the consequences of the sentence, says very clearly: filing the amparo appeal will not suspend the effects of the contested decision or judgments”.

In this context, he has insisted that holding primaries is a “simple solution that can end the black cycle that EA is immersed in and which is an untenable situation in terms of political credibility” that also affects EH Bildu.

And it is that the situation experienced in EA is “a ballast that makes the situation untenable, especially when we are faced with elections,” he claimed.

In this sense, he pointed out that EH Bildu cannot agree with that “political but also legal ballast”, as “it has still called people in its structures” in the February congress of EA “that the courts nullify as a precaution have stated”.

“The legal mess that Blanco and his management group can cause in EH Bildu is enormous, it is absolutely irresponsible,” said Ramírez, who assured that all of this has a simple solution, which is to hang some ballot boxes and allow of membership makes its decisions.

The Navarrese MP, who is convinced that the day after the primaries “all of EA will row in the same direction”, is “optimistic” and trusts that “a transparent electoral process, massive and massive can end this black cycle and is the key to meeting the next electoral challenge”.

Asked about the possibility of these primaries not being held, he warned that failure to comply with the judicial resolutions would be a “huge irresponsibility” with consequences that Eba Blanco and his team would have to accept.

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Source: EITB


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