The Basque government presents a plan for a “more agile, efficient and more digitized” justice


The Strategic Plan for Justice includes a plan for judicial offices until 2030 and the opening in 2025 of the new Palace of Justice in the Mapfre building in Bilbao.

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The Minister of Equality, Justice and Social Policy of the Basque Government, Beatriz Artolazabal, presented this Wednesday the Strategic Justice Plan 2022-2028 that marks the roadmap for the coming years in the field of justice.

“The Strategic Justice Plan will determine the parameters for: building a more agile, effective and digitized justice system, in which people are central”said Artolazabal.

This was explained by the Minister of Justice, Beatriz Artolazabal, during the presentation of the Strategic Plan for Justice, which includes a plan for the judicial headquarters until 2030 and including the opening in 2025 of the new Justice Palace of the Mapfre building.

Artolazabal has emphasized that the Strategic Justice Plan 2022-2028 is a broad consensus. To this end, it has collaborated with the judiciary, the public prosecutor’s office, the Basque Institute of Legal Medicine, people belonging to the management, processing and assistance bodies and various teams of the Deputy Ministry of Justice.

One of the working lines of the Strategic Plan Justice 2022-2028 focuses on the Plan for judicial headquarters, which aims to have court buildings, facilities and material resources that meet the needs of the service “and fulfill its function, that are safe, accessible, durable, functional and comfortable”. The plan for the judicial headquarters also provides for an action calendar in judicial buildings until 2030.

Beatriz Artolazabal has also referred to the acquisition of the Mapfre building in Bilbao. He has indicated that his department is that “the works will be tendered and awarded as soon as possible and that the implementation is complete and the building can be taken as early as the next legislature”, in 2025.

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Source: EITB


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