In the traditional annual act that takes place in the municipality of Gipuzkoan, various political forces have claimed the third Republic, on the anniversary of the second.
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Eibar celebrates his tribute to the Republic this Saturday, with his traditional march as the central act. Representatives of Ezker Anitza-IU, Elkarrekin Podemos-IU and the Euskadi Communist Party have demanded the establishment of a third republicon the anniversary of the proclamation of the second Republic in Spain on April 14, 1931.
The march started at 10 am. ermua (Bizkaia), to culminate in the neighboring municipality eibar (Gipuzkoa), whose town hall was the first in Spain to raise the republican flag, after learning of the results of the municipal elections of 1931 in which the forces advocating a republic as a form of government won the majority of the votes.
On the Untzaga Square of the municipality of Gipuzkoan, among others, have gathered Arantza Gonzalezcoordinator of Ezker Anitza-IU of Gipuzkoa and collaborator of Elkarrekin Gipuzkoa, and Jon Hernandezgeneral secretary of the PCE-EPK and parliamentarian of Elkarrekin Podemos-IU.
González pointed out this week that “they are not acts to celebrate only the anniversary of the Second Republic, but to claim the third republicwhich for us means talking about the future”.
For his part, Hernández pointed out that “the republican state model is the most democratic and the one favored by the majority of Basque societyso that for another year we will demand a federal republic built on the pillars of socialism, feminism and environmentalism”.
Hernández believes that it is essential at this time “stop the rise of the extreme right and is committed to building a federal state where the territorial debate is linked to the social, labor and economic debate”, adding that all public positions in the state must be subject to the decision of the citizen, including the head of state.
“We reject the figure of the monarchy because it is undemocratic and a historical anachronism inappropriate for democratic states‘ he condemned.
Source: EITB
I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.