Progress in schools – Styria is exploring a ban on mobile phones during lessons


Advance from Styria regarding schools: State Council for Education Werner Amon (ÖVP) is investigating whether a ban on smartphones during lessons would be possible.

Teachers can sing a song about it, just like parents: Children – like other age groups – are literally glued to their mobile phones, especially if the lessons are not interesting. How to tackle the smartphone problem is currently a matter for each school. Some allow use, others integrate the devices into the learning process, others turn a blind eye or force the children to turn away.

That could soon change in Styria, because the responsible education council Werner Amon (ÖVP) is investigating a ban: “From a developmental psychological perspective, mobile phones are questionable during lessons because they disrupt them and distract the students,” the politician argues.

Younger students affected
“We are therefore currently investigating the law in Styria to ban mobile phones during primary and secondary school lessons,” the report continues. So only younger students would be affected.

It is not yet entirely clear what exactly should be done with the telephones in the classroom. “Of course, in this day and age there must be the possibility to store mobile phones in an appropriate way,” says Amon.

Source: Krone


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