On the contrary, the plenary of Congress has rejected the proposal to declare the situation of “housing emergency” in the Spanish state. The proposal to double the bank tax has also been rejected.
The plenary session of Congress will approve it, with the support of the PSOE and its partners parliamentarians, taking into account the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) for the extraordinary regularization of about 500,000 people foreigners living in Spain, which the PP will not oppose.
The deputy of Together in Congress, Josep María Cervera confirmed during the debate in the House of Representatives that he will vote in favor of considering the initiative, which has the support of more than 600,000 signatures, allowing it to be debated in the House of Representatives, together with the votes of the PSOE and the rest of the parliamentary partners. He will do this out of “respect” for the 900 social entities promoting this initiative and the signatures collected, but he will study his final position on this issue in the next steps of the parliamentary procedure, he clarified.
The spokespersons also appear in separate appearances for the media Add and we can had confirmed their vote in favor of considering the initiative, as they had done during the debate ERC, EH Bildu and BNGby expressing explicit support for the content of the proposal.
He PNVhas, in the words of his deputy Mikel Legarda, put forward the “yes” of his deputies, but has made it clear that the proposal for his group must be reoriented towards an extraordinary regularization, “on a case-by-case basis”.
This initiative started more than two years ago with a major campaign to collect signatures and aims to give the Spanish government six months to approve a Royal Decree setting out the procedure to improve the administrative situation of foreigners living in to regularize the country. 1, 2021.
According to the initiators, this would put an end to the violation of the fundamental rights of these approximately 500,000 migrants, and to the barriers that prevent them from contributing economically and fiscally to society, in addition to access to decent work, housing, healthcare or education .
On the contrary, the plenary session of Congress rejected the proposal EH Bildu proposal file a report situation of “housing emergency” in the Spanish state, which would serve to call on all public services and institutions to develop ambitious specific housing plans and laws.
When presenting the proposal Oscar Matute has warned that there is a structural problem with housing in Spain and that even if an apartment is shared, the tenant must spend more than 40% of their resources on paying for a room, above the 30% recommended for housing costs. “We find ourselves in situations of dangerous social vulnerability,” Matute denounced.
The PSOE has said that it shares the objective of these measures, but considers them insufficient and inappropriate for the proposed forum and format. She therefore tabled an amendment to change the text, which EH Bildu did not accept.
Finally, the coalition’s proposal was voted on individually, point by point, and none of the proposals received enough support to move forward.
Both the Socialists and the PNV see ‘electoralism’ in the non-bill. The deputy Jeltzale, Maribel Vaquerohas in turn pointed out that while he shares that “comprehensive and effective” solutions are needed for the housing market, “populism and demagoguery” are not necessary to respond to such a “serious” problem.
In addition, PSOE, PP and Vox have united their votes to reject the proposal Podemos bill for double the bank tax and that the amount to be paid by the financial entities was “in no event” less than 50% of the gross profit. The proposal failed to pass after the vote against these three parties, as well as the PNV too. For his part, Together decided to abstain from voting Sumar, ERC and EH Bildu They voted in favor.
Source: EITB

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.