The PSOE today registers a legal reform to unlock the renewal of the Constitutional Court


On June 12, the mandate of four magistrates of the Constitutional Court (TC) expired. This reform allows the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) to appoint two magistrates from the TC, and the Spanish government the other two.

Euskaraz irakurri: PSOEk lege erreforma bat aurkeztuko du gaur Auzitegi Konstituzionaleko magistratuak berritu ahal izateko

The PSOE will register a bill today in the Congress of Deputies to allow the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) to appoint two magistrates to the Constitutional Court (TC) and thus open the renewal of this body.

As PSOE sources have confirmed, the proposal will be submitted to the register of the House of Representatives next Friday by the spokesman for the Socialist Group, Héctor Gómez. This is an amendment to Article 570bis of the Organic Law of the Judiciary, whose entry into force is scheduled for July.

On June 12, the mandates of four of the TC’s 12 magistrates expired with uncertainty over when and how they will be replaced. The Constitution mandates that this third be renewed by the Executive and General Councils of the Judiciary, proposing two candidates each, but the lack of agreement between the PSOE and the PP to agree on a new CGPJ has led to that the current one cannot name. their own, which casts doubt on whether the government can act alone.

To unblock the situation, the government has promoted a reform that will empower the CGPJ to appoint the two magistrates who correspond to her, despite her office.

The intention of the socialist group is that it be dealt with urgently, even before the summer, and once the CGPJ appoints the two magistrates to correspond to it, the Executive does the same with the two it has to appoint.

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Source: EITB


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