Dispute over party law – Court of Auditors becomes political pawn


A conflict arises in the negotiations to reorganize party finances. The SPÖ demands a two-thirds majority for the appointment and resignation of President Margit Kraker. ÖVP, Greens and NEOS are furious.

The Venerable Court of Auditors becomes the scene of emotional political debates. Who would have thought that. Yes, of course. The agency will become a pawn in the power struggle over the new party law currently under negotiation.

The SPÖ had demanded two days ago that a two-thirds majority in parliament was needed for appointment and dismissal. Otherwise, according to club vice Jörg Leichtfried on the “Krone”, the law will not be approved. The main purpose of this is to create more transparency. In the future, the Court should be able to independently examine the parties’ finances. The president is the respected Margit Kraker – she also made sure the ÖVP finances were checked by an outside expert.

Leichtfried: “Margit Kraker is completely beyond dispute. However, there is a logic of democratic and legal policy in that the legitimacy of the head of the Court is also increased when the powers are expanded.” This means strengthening the Court of Auditors and the President.

NEOS, ÖVP and the Greens are angry
The other parties are furious – except for the FPÖ, which did not participate in the meeting yesterday. ÖVP and NEOS believe that the Reds want to avoid the glass party greenhouse law. They demanded, so to speak, the resignation of the President of the Court of Auditors, in the sense that the new law would lead to an immediate re-announcement of the position. The SPÖ looks artificial excitement behind it.

The Greens have a different opinion. Club president Sigrid Maurer: “The condition that Margit Kraker is de facto deposed is unacceptable. She is elected for 12 years.” ÖVP negotiator Andreas Ottenschläger: “We have introduced stricter measures for transparency. The behavior of the SPÖ is completely incomprehensible to me.”

Source: Krone


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