Jon Uriarte He has just made public his electoral list to attend the elections to be held on June 24 in San Mamés. He was the first candidate to speak to the entire group of directors, “a team of 19 people who will change Athletic,” he said in his statement. The best known is Gorka Cubesmember of the commission for Law Reform who approved in the Extraordinary Assembly of the compromising partners.
“We tried to form a diverse team, with people born in different parts of Bizkaia, and with different education, training and different professional experience. But they were all close people, that I have previously studied or worked with in most cases and those that have not, worked with other people on the team.In other words, we not only searched for profiles with great potential, but also a team from day 1 will work in a coordinated, united way, in a good work environment ”, said the pre-candidate.
The candidacy led by Jon Uriarte consists of the following people:
Nerea Ortiz. Vice President I (Manager of BC3 – Basque Center for Climate Change)
Jon Ruigomez. Vice President II (director of Itsasmuseum)
John Salinas. Secretary (Counsel of Uriah).
Xavi Alvarez. Deputy Secretary (Founding Partner, CEO and Head of Lawesome Expansion and Innovation Area)
Guillermo Ruiz-Longarte. Treasurer, financial director of Tubacex
Adolf Plaza. Vice Treasurer (Financial Director of Laboral Kutxa)
Laura Ruiz de Azua. Member (Commercial Director of Conservas Arroyoabe)
Igor San Roman. Member (Director of Socialitas)
Josetxu Urrutia. Member (Director of Bizkaia and Cantabria business office of Laboral Kutxa)
Goizal de Santamarina. Head of Training and Development Area of IMH Campus
Ibon Naberan. Member (General Director of All Iron Real Estate)
Garage Unibaso. Member (Head of Albacora systems and former Athletic player)
Nacho Uriguen. Member (CEO of Irontec)
Roque Echaniz. Member (McKinsey partner)
Ana Diez. Member (Management Solutions partner)
Gorka Cubes. Member (architect and member of the commission of
drafting of new Athletic laws)
Ainhoa Iza. Member (General Director of Savage Culture)
Egoitz Begona. Member (Partner of Arinsa)
Source: La Verdad

I am Ida Scott, a journalist and content author with a passion for uncovering the truth. I have been writing professionally for Today Times Live since 2020 and specialize in political news. My career began when I was just 17; I had already developed a knack for research and an eye for detail which made me stand out from my peers.