Rafael Nadal He blew kisses to the audience, applauding, giving thanks. He blew kisses as a thunderous applause bid farewell to the favorite, the prodigal son, the generator of feelings, who never failed them. Nadal looked at the public enjoying his legacy, his appreciation, his imprint. The clay of Roland Garros It has a carved face and that fist that screamed “let’s go” many times.
He fought to the last point and when it was all over he ran for a hug Carlitos Alcaraz, ‘exited’ the Murcian, walking thoughtfully, feeling indebted to Nadal because he didn’t want to witness that moment. Not yet. He wants to join Rafa in the final, he wants to win an Olympic medal alongside his rival Parcheesi, whom he knows better in Olympic Villagethe happy and joking Rafa, the Rafa who sometimes acts as a father and at other times as an accomplice, the idol who wants to be normal even though every step he takes has hundreds of elite athletes, the great ones, the great ones, the ones who appeared on the cover, asking for a photo.
Carlitos respected Nadal before Paris, now he loves him. Once it was a myth to overcome, now it is a reference to worship. before Paris, Alcaraz took over, now he is the younger brother. We will always have Paris. There is always the memory of a magical coexistence, of the two of them playing with ball sense Mbappetalking about football and real Madridof Zidane and many other athletes who are in the Olympic Village. Anecdotes galore. Carlitos arrives almost a stranger and he leaves being the uncle of Rafa Jr., the ‘little’ who will one day understand the value of these last days in Paris.
Roland Garros He is orphaned by the one who understands this tournament the most, the one who has enlarged it 14 times, the one who has honored each of its editions. But also the Olympic Games They lost one of the big stars of Paris 2024, one of the most loved, most idolized athletes.
Nothing will be the same from now on. Nothing. The center court grew tighter as Rafa called for a final push, fist raised as he wiped away sweat. An applause that caresses the heart and stirs the stomach. Because goodbye is always difficult, difficult, painful. Nobody wants Rafa to leave his natural habitat, where he has planned a lifestyle, a way of feeling and suffering.
Rafa Nadal is already one of the best athletes in our country in the past. From history. These Olympic Games have shown that this value is not only ours, but the FranceNeighbors, not always friendly, see him as one of the gods of Olympus. Rafa is leaving this Olympic Games. with the gold medal of the sports world. This medal has no piece of Tour of the Eiffel for if it were for France they would give it to you in full
Source: La Verdad

I’m Jason Root, a professional writer working with Today Times Live, the premier news website. I specialize in sports writing, covering the biggest stories in the world of athletics. With an eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I provide engaging and informative articles that capture the key elements of any event or issue. My work has been featured on numerous respected websites and publications around the world.