Tag: Roland Drexler

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Celebrities, politics, European Championships: that’s what Austrians googled 2024

Political scandals, Taylor Swift, the death of master builder Richard Lugner and football were particularly tough for the Austrians this year. At least that...

Drexler shot father – This is what daughter of murder victim says to ‘relatives’

Comments on social media are angering the grieving family of Roland Drexler's second murder victim. Particularly bad are insensitive posters showing sympathy for the...

Christian funeral – After a bloody act: “Do murderers go to heaven?”

The report on the funeral of suspected double murderer Roland Drexler caused heated debates online. The “Crown” wanted to know if sinners could receive...

News in the Drexler case – Even the dogs couldn’t find their dead “master”.

They had to find their 'master' - in the search for the suspected double murderer Roland Drexler (56) from Altenfelden, the police also took...

Timing mystery – When did the amok hunter die? Maggots were found on the body

The mystery surrounding the time of death of amok hunter Roland Drexler creates uncertainty. Salzburg's forensic medicine department has not completed the post-mortem examinations,...


Bitch disappeared – owner Desperate: who has no “malu” on it?

Bernese Sennen Dog "Malu" has disappeared, her owner desperately....

Greenwashing & Co. – A quarter of the quality figures are not reliable

The Greenpeace environmental protection organization has investigated the 42...

