Tag: Seibersdorf

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Maximum 38.7 degrees – August was above average in Austria

With a maximum temperature of 38.7 degrees, August in Austria was extremely hot and partly dry. Weather experts are even talking about the...

Up to 1830 per week – significantly more deaths in Austria at the end of July

In the last two weeks of July, the number of deaths rose significantly. From July 18 to 31, a fifth more people died...

Will there be more? – Hottest day of the year: 38.7 degrees in Seibersdorf

Friday is the hottest day of the year so far. At 3:45 p.m. 38.7 degrees were measured at the ZAMG weather station in...

Heat hotspots in the east – hottest day of the year measured at 37.7 degrees

The hottest day of the year so far - With 37.7 degrees in Seibersdorf (Lower Austria), the highest temperatures of the year so far...

ZAMG reported 35 degrees – Imst was the warmest place in Austria on Tuesday

There is no doubt: the heat wave has reached Austria and made people in the country sweat a lot on Tuesday. The western...


