Tag: Wolfgang Urbanschitch

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50 percent Russian gas – The danger has not yet passed in the case of energy

"After winter is before winter", says Markus Achleitner (ÖVP, energy provincial councilor of Upper Austria): Even though Austria has come through the winter well...

Specter gone – IEA boss: Russians have lost “energy battle”.

At the beginning of the offensive war, Russia tried to put pressure on Western states by reducing or even stopping the supply of gas...

From the middle of the year, boss E-Control promises falling prices

E-Control board member Wolfgang Urbantschitsch expects electricity and gas prices to fall by the middle of the year. There will not be a...

“Homemade” problems – E-Control knocks energy suppliers on the wrist

The turbulent situation on the electricity and gas markets presented major challenges not only to suppliers, but also to their customers. “The prices...

No Easing – Electricity: Wholesale prices have risen again

While wholesale gas prices have fallen significantly recently, electricity prices are moving in the opposite direction. The Austrian electricity price index (ÖSPI) for...


