Third year in a row – turn of the year poll: pessimism everywhere


Could the coming year be any more devastating than the one that just ended, with war looming, historic inflation and existential anxieties? It is possible, say the Austrians in the traditional IMAS survey around the turn of the year. Only 26 percent are confident about the future, 32 percent are skeptical and more than a third are concerned.

The survey shows an extremely negative mood for the third time in a row, starting with the Corona outbreak year 2020. According to the IMAS Institute, confidence has not fallen below 30 percent for three measurements in a row since the surveys started in 1972 .

Take care especially with older generations
While the share of optimists is at a low ebb and that of skeptics is stagnant at a high level, those concerned are down three percentage points from last year – in favor of those who did not want to judge. Young people are relatively positive, with 39 percent of 16 to 34-year-olds looking ahead with confidence. Only high school or college graduates were also “optimistic” at 34 percent. Those most concerned were those over 60 (47 percent) and those of school age (44 percent).

Hit parade of worries: inflation, fear of the future, war
Inflation has replaced the corona pandemic as the number one concern. 42 percent of skeptics and 52 percent of concerned gave inflation as the reason for their vote. This puts it far ahead of uncertainty/fear for the future or war/war in Ukraine. Looking back on the past year, a positive trend can be observed, although 60 percent (2021: 67 percent) still look back quite negatively, but at least 36 percent (2021: 30 percent) look back rather positively.

New Year’s resolutions: exercise, diet, self-care
A third of the population has New Year’s resolutions, with most wanting to exercise more (45 percent), eat healthier (43 percent) and take better care of themselves (42 percent). 37 percent want to make more time for family and friends, 31 percent want to be more frugal and 23 percent want to lose weight or tidy up. After all, 23 percent want to protect the environment more. One fifth has made an intention to quit smoking.

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Wishes: Health is more important than anything else
Before the new year, a quarter wishes health for themselves and their families. A good fifth hope that their personal life situation will develop positively, 16 percent each yearn for peace or an end to the war in Ukraine and an end to inflation. Nine percent want a life like before Corona, six percent want political change or a change of government and only two percent put environmental and climate protection on their wish list.

Source: Krone


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