In community hospitals – 60 reports of danger within a year


Lack of capacity, too few employees, overtime, no schedule security. The call for help from the hospitals in Vienna is increasing.

Doctors and nurses in Vienna’s municipal hospitals had to write a hazard report 60 times in 2022 – to show that the safety of themselves and that of the patients can no longer be guaranteed 100 percent. For example, due to a shortage of personnel.

In addition, there are 15 debit notes, according to the response of alderman of Health Peter Hacker (SPÖ) to the PVV. For example, the chief urologist of the AKH wrote a threat report together with colleagues in late summer. Previously, the entire (!) Klinik Ottakring did it (we reported).

courage of health workers
“This dramatic number of threat reports shows how hackers have led Vienna’s health system to the abyss. Huge pressure was put on doctors and nurses who filed complaints, even threatening legal consequences up to and including dismissal, instead of taking the warnings of a collapse seriously In that respect, the courage of these health workers is to be admired,” said FPÖ leader Dominik Nepp.

Source: Krone


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