“Were good friends” – Berlusconi complains: Contact with Putin has been broken


Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi complains that contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he was good friends before the outbreak of the Ukrainian conflict, has been broken. “I haven’t heard from Putin lately. We were good friends.”

“I called twice at the start of the conflict and got no answer,” Berlusconi complained on Sunday, according to media. “After that I didn’t try again. I consider the developments in Ukraine dangerous because I see no immediate possibility to end the war. In the Ukraine conflict, 100 people are killed every day, I feel very bad,” said the 85-year-old against journalists at a polling station in Milan, where he cast his vote in a referendum on legal issues.

The media mogul regrets that he was not elected as the new head of state in January, as he would have liked. “As President of the Republic, I could have repeated with Putin what I did as Prime Minister in 2008 in response to the situation in Georgia. I then kept Putin on the phone for five hours and told him, ‘If you invade Georgia tomorrow, you will secede from the European Union, NATO and the US’. Shortly after, the order came to withdraw the troops from Moscow,” Berlusconi reported.

Source: Krone


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