Accident during training – police officer shot: State claims 12,500 euros back


A Styrian officer shot his colleague during training because he forgot to exchange his service weapon for a training pistol. The parents of the deceased claimed compensation from the state, which in turn reclaimed part of it from the convicted man.

It’s a story that life couldn’t have written worse: During an operational training, a Styrian police officer and trainer forgot to exchange his service weapon for a harmless training pistol. In order to emphasize the seriousness of the situation to his colleagues while simulating an operation, he pulled the trigger – and shot a young officer.

Repentant and confessed
The story is well known. Also that in May 2023 he appeared before the criminal court in Graz for murder by gross negligence, deeply remorseful and confessed. Six months suspended and a fine – that was the verdict of Judge Andreas Rom, who concluded the hearing with the words “Based on my decision, you can remain a police officer.”

And so it is now. The convicted man works in the administration of the Styrian State Police Directorate. He no longer heads the operational training. But the consequences were of course even more far-reaching: the parents of the deceased demanded compensation from the state. From the state because it is liable for its officials.

The state recovers part of the damage
The state, in turn, wanted to recover part of the damages from him. “This is possible if there is serious negligence,” explains the convicted man’s lawyer, Andreas Kleinbichler.

The financial prosecutor demanded a one-time payment of 30,000 euros and other lifelong costs in connection with the death of the colleague. Too high for the lawyer, since decisions of the Supreme Court regulate the compensation for pain and suffering.

Finally, they agreed on a payment of 12,500 euros. The police officer can now close the criminal and financial chapter. The psychological tension remains.

Source: Krone


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