Statement required – Lower Austria: Poisoner’s ‘doll’ convicted


Controlling and manipulative, that is how forensic psychiatrist Peter Hofmann describes 32-year-old Bernadette H., who is on trial for two attempted murders of her ex. One of her acquaintances at the regional court in Korneuburg can now confirm her personality traits: “She was good at manipulating me.”

The first trial in the explosives-poison case in Aderklaa (Lower Austria) takes place in the regional court of Korneuburg. While Bernadette H. has to wait for her trial in the next building, the prison, a former friend of hers takes her place in the dock.

Two assassination attempts failed
He was a so-called important witness in the extensive criminal case that began on July 8, 2022. That evening, the 32-year-old is said to have served her then boyfriend Andreas F. a “special drink” made from methanol and magic mushrooms. The Lower Austrian was taken to hospital the next morning and became almost completely blind. The suspect was also present at the party and testified about it for the first time.

A few months later, Bernadette H. is said to have carried out the next attack on her partner, using sleeping pills and cutting his wrist. As a friend of the couple, the suspect was also questioned about this. And also when Andreas F. was arrested on suspicion of a knife attack on the 32-year-old – which later turned out to be staged.

The 43-year-old’s statements as a witness were always: F. is not as visually impaired as he claims. He allegedly saw him weeding and knew that he could recognize facial expressions. He testified against another acquaintance that he had seen him hit Bernadette H. in the face. That all turned out to be false. A report has already confirmed that Andreas F. is almost completely blind.

The former boyfriend of the ex-couple must therefore answer to the judge for false evidence and defamation. And admits: “Bernadette H. is decisive and likes to manipulate people. She was good at manipulating me. She gave me a piece of paper and wrote on it what I had to say to the police. She wanted to use me as a puppet to make herself look better.

This personality trait was also confirmed by a psychiatric report on the 32-year-old.

Poisoner faces life imprisonment
“How do you assess Mrs. H. now?” asks Mr. Rat. “It is very dangerous now.” Court psychiatrist Peter Hofmann sees it that way, which is why the woman was also asked to make two counts of attempted murder, among other things, at the center. However, her trial will not take place until the end of October at the earliest – she risks a life sentence.

For the 43-year-old, however, the case was settled within an hour: the six-month suspended prison sentence is not legally binding. He apologized to Andreas F., who appeared as a witness and private participant in the trial. After the trial, F. told the ‘Krone’ that he could not wait until this chapter was finally closed and that he could ‘put it in a drawer and close it’.

Source: Krone


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