Diversions for commuters – total closure of Tauernschleuse: “I quit my job”


The Tauern Lock in Mallnitz is about to be closed completely. Representatives of the tourism industry fear huge losses as a result. And the diversion route is unreasonable for commuters.

The Tauernschleuse in Mallnitz is the only and therefore all the more important train connection between Carinthia and Salzburg. However, in November it is completely closed to train traffic due to urgent renovation work. Guests and especially commuters therefore have to make enormous detours.

“We’re talking about two hours in one direction,” Mallnitz Mayor Günther Nowak shakes his head. A replacement rail service was set up via the Tauernautobahn. “Almost nobody is taking up the offer because there is construction chaos on the A10 and that means even more delays!”

According to Nowak, many commuters have organized themselves. “Some have looked for temporary rooms in Salzburg, others have even quit their jobs because they don’t want to make the long journey!” “For me, the motorway to the Gastein Valley would be a detour. That’s why I looked for a new job in my hometown of Mallnitz,” says Steiner, who previously came to Salzburg by car and the Tauern lock. Representatives of the community and tourism are aware that renovation work is necessary. “But the period between November and July won’t be pleasant for us.”

Especially in cycling tourism there is fear of a loss. “People will not accept the bypass. That would be too good”, worries Regina Sterz, tourism representative of Mölltal.

Source: Krone


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