The population at risk of poverty or social exclusion rose to 15.35% in 2021, in Hegoalde


Navarra has the lowest rate in the entire Spanish state at 14.7%. In the Basque Autonomous Community, the risk of poverty and social exclusion grew to 16% last year, compared to 13.9% in 2020.

Euskaraz irakurri: Hego Euskal Herriko herritarren % 15.35 poverty edo bazterketa arriskuan daude

The population at risk of poverty or social exclusion rose to 15.35% in Hegoalde. In the Basque Autonomous Community, it grew to 16% last year, compared to 13.9% in 2020, although it is still the second lowest percentage in the Spanish state, surpassed only by Navarre (14.7%).

This is reflected in the living conditions survey published on Wednesday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) which puts the percentage of the population at risk of poverty in the Spanish state at 27.8%, eight tenths more than the previous year.

The INE explains that this percentage has been established with a new definition of arope ratewhich measures the population in one of three situations: at risk of poverty, with severe material and social deprivation, or with low work intensity.

Euskadi also reappeared as the community with the highest average annual income per person, with €15,544followed by the Foral community, with 15.269 The state average was 12,269 euros in 2021.

However, the average income of the Basque Country was 1.7% lower than in 2020, when it 15,813 euros per yearalso the highest in the entire state.

The poverty risk also increased in the Basque Country compared to 2020 and stood at 9.8%, which is 2.2 percentage points more, although it is also the second lowest in the state, after Navarra (9.8%).

End of the month, holidays and contingencies

The INE, on the other hand, analyzes the economic difficulties of households related to being able to go on vacation for at least one week a year, the ability to cope with unforeseen expenses, being forced to postpone payments and reaching the end of the month with great trouble.

The 4.6% of citizens of the CAV say they have great difficulty making ends meet with their income, compared to the state average of 8.8%, making the Basque Country the second municipality with the least difficulties, ahead of La Rioja (3.1% ).

On the other hand, in the CAV is the percentage of the population that cannot afford to go on holiday for at least one week a year 16.4%, less than in 2020 (18%). The proportion of people unable to cope with unforeseen expenses has also improved, as it has been reduced from 19% in 2020 to 18.4% in 2021.

These two percentages are the lowest of all autonomous communities. In the state as a whole, you can’t afford to go on vacation 32.7% on average and 33.4% say they cannot afford unforeseen expenses.

In addition, 8.8% of the inhabitants of Euskadi . have payment arrears in regard to the principal residence or installment purchases, the second lowest percentage, after La Rioja (8.8%), while the state average rises to 14.4% of the population.

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Source: EITB


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