The author of ‘Montevideo’ receives the award for this fifth edition, which also recognizes the work of the publishing house Cambridge University Press and the Library of Alexandria
The V International Week of Letters of the Region of Murcia ‘Ex-Libris’, to be held from September 26 to October 2, will include the participation of nearly 200 authors in a program of 150 activities such as book presentations, round tables, conferences , exhibitions, concerts and colloquia. All these events are held in the different cultural venues in Murcia. The International Week of Letters ‘Exlibris Murcia’ “places the region at the national epicenter of the world of literature, not only at the local and provincial level, but also internationally, as it is the cradle of great writers and the scene of great literary works”, influenced the Presidency Minister, Tourism, Culture and Sports, Marcos Ortuño, in the presentation.
The highlight of the week is the presentation of ‘Montevideo’ (Seix Barral), the latest novel by Enrique Vila-Matas, on Thursday 29 September at 6.30 pm, in a conversation with Ángel Montiel at the Regional Library.
The Regional Archives of Murcia will host the award ceremony for this edition on the 29th. The Exlibris Murcia 2022 International Literature Prize goes to the writer Enrique Vila-Matas; the Editorial Award Exlibris Murcia 2022 goes to Cambridge University Press; and the Exlibris Murcia 2022 Reading Promotion Award for the Alexandrina Library in Alexandria (Egypt). José Luis Ferris, Marifé Santiago Bolaños, José Javier Esparza, Arcadi Espada, Antonio España or Mari Páu Domínguez, among others, within the section ‘Successful authors’, or Eduardo Torres-Dulce and Oti Rodríguez Marchante in ‘Literature and Cinema’, are some of the guests.
You can also enjoy the ‘Ex-Libris’ of literature by Ramón Bascuñana, Pedro Alberto Cruz, Antonio Botías, Anna Fores, Alejandro Hernández Seijo, Enhamed Enhamed, Lucía Tello Díaz, Iván Gómez Beltrán, José María Armengol Carrera, Hernando C Gómez Prada, Alberto Mira, Jesús Bonastre, Xavier Bordas Prószyñski and Javier Díaz Vega. Likewise, several writers from the Murcia region will participate in the space ‘Crónicas y Romances de Murcia’, with Paco López Mengual and Emilio de Carmelo and, in ‘Murcia Memphis’, with Paco Rabadán, Quique Garcés & Ana Peinado, Nacho Para , Tomás García Martínez, Jairo Juan García, Manuel Moyano, Cristina Guirao, Marta Garaulet, Antonio Parra Sanz, Pedro Pujante, Antonio Gómez Ribelles, Domm Cobb and Pedro Jara, Nadia Kostadinova, Patricio Peñalver and Julia Moreno.
Authors such as Antonio Soto Alcón, José Ángel Castillo Vicente, Francisco Javier Illán Vivas, Guillermina Sánchez Oró, José Antonio Martínez Muñoz, Jesús Pacheco, Juan de Dios García, Marisa López Soria and José María Álvarez, among many others, will also have their books.
There will be conversations about comics with Ilu Ros, Juan Álvarez, Jorge Gómez, Ángel Abellán, Alba Flores, Carlos Morote and Luis Armand; and recitals such as Carla Nyman and Laura Rodríguez.
On the other hand, the organization pays tribute to Jordi Sierra i Fabra, Federico García Lorca, José Hierro – for its centenary – and Tomás Salvador González [en este último participarán Sebastián Mondéjar e Idelfonso Rodríguez]. There will be space for children’s and young adults’ literature with the intervention of authors such as Ana Coto, Carmen García Iglesias or Juan Ramón Barat, and guided visits to various museums. As for the venues, there will be events in the San Juan de Dios Monumental Complex, the Archaeological Museum, the Murcia Museum of Fine Arts, the courtyard of the Las Claras Monastery in Murcia, the Regional Archives of Murcia, the Regional Library of Murcia , the Regional Film Library of Murcia , Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Law of the University of Murcia, Great Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Murcia or in the Auditorium of the University of Murcia.
During the closing ceremony of ‘Ex-Libris’, led by cultural manager Victorio Melgarejo, Carmen Escudero, Hispania Verso y Madera Duo, Miguel Ángel Montesinos ‘El Calves’ and Santi Campillo will perform.
Source: La Verdad

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.