What role does Europe play in Yemen?


The recent and fragile ceasefire has become an excuse for armed groups to reorganize their ranks

The people of Yemen had real and huge hopes for an agreement sponsored and supported by the United Nations since April 2 that would end hostilities through a political pact between the parties in conflict are embarking on a war that has ravaged the country since the year 2014. However, it seems that the recent and fragile ceasefire has become a cover and an excuse that conceals and nourishes the causes of the conflict, giving the armed groups the opportunity to expand their ranks. reorganize and strengthen their capabilities in the face of a new round of war and insurrection.

The United Nations assures that after the ceasefire it has been possible to verify relative stability and calm across the country and confirms that the clashes have abated markedly and with it the number of civilian casualties decreased. However, the final and lasting solution to the conflict is far from what one would expect, as the Houthis continue to mobilize their ranks and strengthen their military capabilities. Brotherhood Muslims in regions and enclaves under the control of the internationally recognized government and the so-called Presidential Leadership Council.

Iran supports the Houthis with money, weapons and military experts, while the armed formations affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood receive financial support from Qatar and have a large number of weapons obtained thanks to the support of the Saudi-led coalition to fight Government to confront the Houthis as the Islamic Reform Party (Islah), the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen, holds the military and security reins, controls the state’s arteries, something it did even before the formation of the Presidential Leadership Council.

Suggesting that the conflict will not stop worsening, as will the increase in collateral strife, is the capacity of the Islamist groups, who, despite ideological clashes, converge in their extremism. This fact is extremely dangerous given the continuous flow of weapons into Yemen and the continuous mobilizations and recruitments under religious and sectarian excuses and motivations. The risk remains high, and the hope for a final and lasting solution that will restore stability and hope to the Yemenis is a dream in the air, especially given that international society in general and Europe in particular is failing this country. has left.

The Houthis obtain modern weapons, such as long- and medium-range ballistic missiles and drones supplied by Iran, as well as military experts secretly sent from Tehran. Qatar, in turn, is supporting its arm in Yemen, the Muslim Brotherhood, and it is doing so with money, propaganda and the media, as they do not have a great need for weapons and ammunition due to the large sums they have received from the Saudi-led coalition Saudi Arabia.

There is no doubt that there are other armed groups with conflicting agendas, but their danger remains far less than that of those armed groups who adopt an extremist ideology and wage their wars and struggles under sectarian and religious banners.

The negative position of the Houthis and the Muslim Brotherhood vis-à-vis the Presidential Leadership Council, which heads the internationally recognized government, casts pessimism on anyone seeking an end to conflict and a stable Yemen in the near future see and prosper. Recently, the Islah party led a military uprising against the Presidential Leadership Council in the oil-rich Shabwa region, leading to clashes that left dozens dead and injured.

It seems that everything is conspiring to aggravate the situation and inflame the causes for the spreading and intensification of the conflict in a country that seems to have been forgotten by the world. A world immersed in crises and wars that she considers more important and priority. But for Yemenis, embroiled in a terrible war since 2014, nothing is more important than an end to the fighting and a return to normalcy and stability. This is only possible if there is an end to the interference of countries committed to sending weapons to a wounded, poor and hungry people.

But one of the big questions that can arise and be raised here has to do with the role that Europe plays. An irrelevant, if not nonexistent, role in the Yemeni crisis, something all observers and experts agree on, which is incomprehensible in light of the challenges the Yemeni crisis may pose and the destabilizing potential it has for the region and for international society as a whole. This would be nothing new, as radical and extremist groups strive to make Yemen their base of operations and a launching point for their projects of violence and terror. These threats directly affect one of the world’s most important shipping routes, the Strait of Bab al-Mandab.

There is no doubt that Europe can play a more active role in Yemen, as Europe is credible and can play a key role in putting pressure on countries that support local extremist organizations and parties to stop, and Spain, because of known historical and geographical reasons, can play a prominent role in this work. Do we see a greater role for Spain and Europe in the future or will we again be absent from everything that is happening in Yemen?

Source: La Verdad


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