Future report full of no-na-ned wisdom


“We in Lower Austria can have a future!” This is how the provincial governor summarizes the so-called future report on the state strategy 2030. Well, that sounds nice, but it doesn’t really mean anything. And correct German language also sounds different.

What is special about this future report? First, through the “largest household survey” the country has ever seen (or endured). 94 percent say Lower Austria is worth living in. And new from ten say: Lower Austria is a beautiful place. Well, this result surprises us now – and opens up completely new perspectives for the future, doesn’t it? Answers to the question “What will we live on tomorrow?” should be given by progressive location policy, infrastructure such as broadband and education and research – boom, breakthrough insights. And on the topic “Who do we want to be tomorrow?” it is said to be about “taking measures that will unite all generations” – one bows reverently to this auspicious flash of inspiration.

It took 14 months to produce this future report, the astonished taxpayer was told on Sunday. With the involvement of international experts, mind you.

In view of the current crises, it is right to look for answers to the big questions of the future. But the answers may be a little more specific. However, the so-called future report presented nothing but meaningless wisdom in the run-up to a state election, which at times sounds terribly smart, but leaves the people of the country at a loss for being just as smart as before. A missed opportunity!

Source: Krone


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