Online Dating: Is Technology Killing Love?


Sociologist and sex educator Barbara Rothmüller on the effects of new technologies on love relationships.

I know science seems a long way off to many people. But research is very good at some things. For example, clearing up everyday myths. A misconception is that technology destroys love. A friend recently claimed that online dating is responsible for single people spending ages in dating hell without ever getting into a relationship. It may sound obvious, but it’s not true.

How should a romantic spark be transmitted in the digital synapses of Tinder, Whatsapp & Co.? Of course you have to see, smell, hear, feel, in short: see yourself as a person to know if the chemistry is right. Online dating still works well as a place to get to know each other. Since the pandemic, young people are increasingly using video dating to find out from the safety of their own homes: is the other person real, quite reasonable, is it worth meeting in person? Technology enables a new intermediate step before the first contact, a pre-selection. That saves time. And sometimes nerves.

Online dating is failing not because of love-killing technology, but because people don’t know how to use it. Negative things are often overrated. Instead of spending hours scrolling through profiles, focus on positive details and give people a chance. Because a one-night trial period can very well grow into a long-term relationship.

Why does the myth persist that technology destroys or even prevents love from developing? I think it’s just a story that’s very familiar to us. Sexual youth cultures have always been viewed critically. Their use of media and technology in particular sometimes caused outright moral panic. If you look back, all generations felt the same, even before the internet generation. And yet in every generation (more or less) enduring love relationships arise. Engagement and loyalty are even particularly important values ​​for young people today. Even if you use Tinder & Co. dislikes: It doesn’t make you panic about technology.

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Source: Krone


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