What we carry inside


In 2010, Jerry Springer, who has the most numbers to be the father of trash TV, told CNN, “We were the first to show the barbarity that we carry within us.” And to the critics of his daily program, he reminded them that God made the remote control. Springer is dead, trashy TV still exists, and worst of all, it’s diversified into honorable forms. They talk about kings and politics. They do not take a bride and groom and the lover of one of them. Nor is it revealed to a man on set that he is not the father of his child (and the real father is put in his face). His last name was the name of a dog breed, but more than a jumper, he was a bulldog. Just like the Peruvian Laura Bozzo (same fights, but seedy, if that was possible). Noël Coward said TV is not for watching, it’s for going out. In the case of the Springer shows, I don’t know which was worse, watching it or leaving. Like some here.
Source: La Verdad

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