Almost everyone does it, no one talks about it. In a world that increasingly demands guidance, the concept of ‘guided masturbation’ is emerging. From natural body exploration to voluntary renunciation – masturbation is more complex than it seems at first glance.
In our world of disorientation, there are guided walks, guided dreams, and now guided masturbation. That’s strange, I think to myself. After all, even unborn babies in the womb find their pleasure center with sleepwalking safety. Even though later on people often say, “Hands off!”, it really only happens in exceptional cases that you lack the ability to please yourself.
Source: Krone
I am George Kunkel, an author working for Today Times Live. I specialize in opinion pieces and cover stories that are both informative and thought-provoking – helping to shape public discourse on key issues. My work is regularly featured across the network’s many platforms, including print media and social media.