Interview with the second deputy lehendakari Idoia Mendia on September 23, 2022 on Radio Euskadi


Second Deputy Lehendakari and Minister of Labor and Employment assure that Sánchez’s commitment to Basque self-government is “undeniable” and believes that yesterday’s Urkullu proposal aims to “create a new framework” for the transfer negotiations.

Euskaraz irakurri: Jaurlaritza eta Espainiako Gobernua “hit egiten ari dira” transferentzien inguruan, Mendiaren arabera

The Second Deputy Lehendakari and the Minister of Labor and Employment of the Basque Government, Idoia Mendiahas underlined that “Of course there are conversations and jobs” between the Basque government and that of Spain in the field of transfers. “Pedro Sánchez’s commitment to Basque self-government is beyond question,” he added, insisting that “the will” of both governments is valued.

Mendia was interviewed on Radio Euskadi’s “Boulevard” program, following the general policy debate, of which she was “satisfied” with the groups’ willingness to negotiate country deals.

Exactly questioned about the lehendakari proposal for convening the Standing Commission between both executives to make progress on transfers, Mendia believes the initiative aims to “generate a new frame” and “try a different work formula so that more can be tackled.” According to Deputy Lehendakari, a “positive balance” needs to be struck on what has been achieved so far – with 11 powers transferred – and she has defended the “undeniable” commitment of the Spanish government, which “did something unprecedented, that was black on white and draw up a calendar”.

In the economic field and with regard to the negotiations between employers and unions to adjust wages to inflation, he invited the two sides to “seek sectoral agreements to be able to be company by company, and if not.” “The important thing is that purchasing power is not lost. Companies that don’t invest in their employees, in health at work… have no future. The greatest value of companies is the talent of people,” he deepened.

Finally, Mendia has appreciated the intention of the government of Spain to collect a tax on large fortunes, defending “a fiscal harmonization” before “that mad race of some communities ruled by the PP” who led to “tax dumping that is hard to understand” ” within the EU.

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Source: EITB


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