“Osakidetza’s management has changed from the jewel in the crown to cheap jewelry”


When asked what he would do to reduce waiting lists, he pointed out that more business needs to be done for “the white coats”. “The Basque government has an open volcano with Osakidetza,” he noted.

Euskaraz irakurri: Iturgaiz: “Apart isatetik negargarria izatera igaro da Osakidetzaren kudeaketa”

The President of the Basque PP, Carlos Iturgaiz, was interviewed this Tuesday in the program “Boulevard” of Radio Euskadi, where he spoke, among other things, about the situation in Osakidetza. When asked what he would do to reduce waiting lists, he pointed out that more business needs to be done to “the white coats”. “The Basque government has an open volcano with osakidetza. History repeats itself, many directors have already resigned. It is a management problem, it has grown from a jewel in the crown to a creature cheap jewelry“, he emphasized.

In this sense, he believed that the Minister of Health, Gotzone sagarduiyou have to stop the “war” between the hospitals: “There is a serious leadership and management problem, because they are not taking the bull by the horns”.

Iturgaiz has also been highly critical EH Bildu when they asked him if, now that it is Christmas, he would make a toast to all the parliamentarians. Of course not. Faced with some very serious facts, many of them have looked the other way and even justified those facts. democratic deficit. They are legal because some judges, not all, have decided that, but they are not democratic parties, so I have nothing to offer them,” he said.

The president of the Basque PP did not want to say anything about the applications of the PP in the capitals of the Basque Autonomous Community: “The decision will be taken in January”.

Finally, and referring to the decision of the Government of Spain to activate its plan B after the suspension of processing in the Senate of the reform to renew the Constitutional Court, Iturgaiz has stressed that what is happening “is the fault of the Spanish government”. . “Long ago, Alberto Núñez Feijóo made a proposal to President Pedro Sánchez for one reshuffle of justice, with an essential approach: that the judges are the ones who elect the judges. Sánchez threw that idea in the trash,” he added.

He also denounced that the socialists are doing everything they can to prevent a separation of powers in Spain. “They want to arrange justice so that their laws pass, and the PNV is the artificial respiration of Sánchez, as he supports his laws to continue. That is the situation we are experiencing,” he concludes.

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Source: EITB


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