Interview with EH Bildu’s deputy Jon Iñarritu after learning he was being spied on with Pegasus


The deputy of EH Bildu has urged the Spanish government to “explain as soon as possible what its role has been” in the espionage of 65 pro-independence politicians through the Pegasus malware revealed in an investigation published by “The New Yorker” and “The Citizen Lab”.

The Deputy of EH Bildu, Jon Inarrituhas denounced that he, along with 64 other pro-independence politicians — most of them Catalans, although EH Bildu’s general coordinator, Arnaldo Otegi, is also on the list — has been the victim of “big attack” of political espionage carried out in Europe with the Pegasus malware”. Spanish state as responsible and has insisted the government of Sánchez to “provide clarity as soon as possible” What was your role?

In his first interview after hearing the research published by The New Yorker Yes the citizen lab, Iñárritu assured on Radio Euskadi’s “Boulevard” program that he was aware that he was being spied on a year ago, when he was warned by the University of Toronto (Canada) institution investigating the event. When they revealed him, the last entry on his phone was in Dec 2020when the coalition government between PSOE and United We Can was already ruling.

As he explained, this software from the Israeli company NSO Group is normally used by states to “prevent serious crimes such as attacks” and must be authorized by the courts. “We also know that some states with few democratic guarantees have used it to gather political information (…) we knew about the cases of Hungary and Poland, and now Spain joins themhe denounced.

For Inarritu it is “clear” that the Spanish state is behind it of this espionage, and has given three reasons for it: “First, it is only sold to states. Second, all the people being spied on are political representatives of Catalonia and Euskal Herria, what other state would be interested? And third, if it hadn’t been Spain, they would have come out quickly to say they were looking into it.”

On the contrary, he has stated that no one has contacted him and has denounced that the state is “trying to shift responsibility by saying it knows nothing”. As he recalled, 25 years ago the espionage of a herriko tavern in Vitoria-Gasteiz was discovered and a minister was fired; “Now we wait and see what will happen,” he added.

It’s a huge scandal and the Spanish government must make clear as soon as possible what its role has been”. apparitions of those responsible for security and intelligence, as well as those of Spanish President Pedro Sanchez at the General Courts.

Source: EITB


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