Criticism of Polaschek – “Great job”: Teachers angry about the campaign


In Austria there are too few teachers for certain subjects. Education Minister Martin Polaschek (ÖVP) therefore launched a personnel campaign in the autumn of 2022 under the title “Class Job”. Career changers were courted first, and since February high school graduates as well. There is now resistance in schools.

The “Class Job” personnel campaign not only includes advertisements in schools and in social media, the Ministry of Education has also sent a letter to teachers asking them to make education attractive to high school students and thus contribute to the “positive story of the education”. profession”. However, this was not well received by all addressees because of the sometimes difficult working conditions in the schools.

“Great Job” Now “School Is On Fire”
In response, according to a report by the “Standard”, an initiative entitled “Krasser Job” was set up immediately upon receipt of the letter. Meanwhile, it calls itself “School on Fire”, referring to other ongoing education protests. She has announced several protest actions for the coming months.

The initiative, backed by the “Platform for Teacher Protests”, calls for “radical improvements in working conditions”. As immediate measures, she calls on her website for shorter working hours, smaller classes, quiet places to reduce stress, the use of multi-professional teams, the outsourcing of administrative work and the abolition of tests that are considered pointless, such as the iKM PLUS ( successor to the educational standards) or the MIKA-D tests for assignment in German remedial classes. The latter will be abolished, as will the division into AHS lower secondary education, secondary education and special education.

Double training required
The initiators of ‘School on Fire’ also see action in teacher training. Here, Polaschek has announced a restructuring or reduction for secondary education (high school, AHS, BMHS) as a measure. Instead, the initiative advocates dual learning. Due to a lack of staff, thousands are already teaching alongside their teacher training, but neither schools nor universities are currently adequately equipped for this entanglement. However, the basic requirement for teachers’ practical training would be exemptions from schools and sufficient courses.

Source: Krone


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