The Basque Parliament rejects the government of Spain’s position on Western Sahara


A non-legal proposal submitted by PNV, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos-IU has been approved, reaffirming their support for the Sahrawi cause and respect for international resolutions and the right to free self-determination of the Sahrawi people.

Euskaraz irakurri: Eusko Legebiltzarrak gaitzetsi egin du Espainiako Gobernuak Mendebaldeko Saharari buruz hartutako jarrera

The plenary session of the Basque Parliament today discussed two non-legal proposals on the position of the government of Spain on Western Sahara.

The first was presented by PNV, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos-IU, in which they asked the Basque Parliament to reject the support of the President of the Spanish Government for the proposal of the Kingdom of Morocco on the autonomy of the Sahara. Are you to?tested with 64 votes in favour10 against (PSE-EE= and 1 abstention (Vox).

According to the formations that presented the initiative, “the Spanish state has a direct responsibility in the political conflict in Western Sahara”, and therefore urges the Spanish government to actively engage the UN, the EU and the rest of the organizations support and facilitate. International, a political solution in accordance with international law and UN resolutions, while respecting a basic principle such as the right to self-determination of the Sahrawi people, and recognizing the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (RADS).

At the same time, they have urged governments and institutions to support the efforts of the Personal Envoy to the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, to resume the political negotiation process between the parties to the conflict.

Presenting the text, the spokesperson for Elkarrekin Podemos-IU Iñigo Martínez has expressed his group’s unreserved support for the cause of the Saharawi people and the Polisario Front in their struggle for national liberation, “convinced that stability in North Africa cannot be achieved by violating international legality and people that he has fought bravely for too many decades. The right to violence cannot take precedence over the violence of the right,” he stressed.

Joshua Estarrona, representative of EH Picture the Chamber was asked what is behind the change of position and the unilateral decision of President Pedro Sánchez. “In exchange for what? What is so important to betray the devotion, desires and trust of the Saharans?”

The jeltzale Maitane Ipiñazar has influenced the idea of ​​the right to free self-determination of the Sahrawi people, “neither the Spanish government nor the Kingdom of Morocco can decide the future of the Sahrawi people, they are the ones who have to decide their people and their future”, he insisted.

PP+Cs group initiative

The initiative of the PP+Cs group (not voted on for formal reasons) is reaffirmed in “the institutional statements made in the different parliamentary bodies during their different legislatures regarding the situation in Western Sahara, the fulfillment of United Nations resolutions and celebration of the referendum and condemnation of the violation of human rights in the occupied territories”.

This House Can’t Be Silent in the light of the legal, political and diplomatic setback caused by the unilateral recognition by President Sánchez of the proposal made by the Kingdom of Morocco in 2007 – on an impossible autonomy because there is no sovereignty – and which is not endorsed by international law or by the United Nations,” he says.

Popular parliamentarian Carmelo Barrio has recalled “the working hours and encounters here and in the desert”, and the state and international encounters and travels to the Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria, as well as to the Moroccan occupied territories in Western Sahara, in which many parliamentarians participated, with a common and constant denominator “Support for the cause of the Saharawi people and their freedom”and today we want to remember it without having to step back”.

He stressed that “if the Basque Parliament has played a leading role in supporting the Sahrawi cause, it has been the Basque society that has best shown solidarity and affection towards those people to whom Spain is still indebted after 47 years”.

PSOE calls the reactions “opportunistic”

parliamentarian socialist Txarli Prieto has strongly defended the position of Sánchez’s executive, stating that “the Socialist Party’s commitment to a solution to the situation in Western Sahara was, is and will be unequivocal”.

Prieto has reviewed the measures for cooperation and assistance to the Sahrawi people, the “unique thought” of the chamber and labeled the demonstrations and reactions that arose in response to Sánchez’s letter to the Moroccan king as “exaggerated, opportunistic and occult”.

“Exaggerated, because it is accused of a legal setback to international law and because it could be a reason for the escalation of the conflict. Demonstrations that can only be made out of ignorance or malice. Opportunistic, because if criticism is expressed in the lack of reflection and proportionality, the aim is not the letter itself, but a deliberate wear and tear; and occultists, because there is not a single term, expression and orientation of that letter that is not included in international resolutions,” he said.

“Double betrayal” according to Vox

the representative of vox, Amaia Martínez has labeled the Sahara concession to Morocco as “irresponsible and interested”.

The letter represents a double betrayal by Sánchez, “to the Saharawi people of whom we are the governing power and to the Spanish people”, because it took the decision unilaterally, “without having the courage to even oppose its own government to enter”.

Source: EITB


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