Pello Otxandiano, director of the EH Bildu program, on Radio Euskadi


The director of the EH Bildu program accuses the PNV of putting “tenant interests above the subjective right to housing”. According to him, the question that the PNV must clearly answer is the following: “Are we going to regulate rents? Yes or no.”

The plenary session of Congress today, Thursday, will approve the housing right bill agreed by the Spanish government with ERC and EH Bildu, which limits rents in stressed areas and has become one of the axes of pre-campaign for the regional and municipal elections on 28 May. Since the standard was announced, the PNV assures that it is an infringement of jurisdiction, something that the director of the EH Bildu program has again strongly denied, Otxandian hair. “There is no such invasion,” he insisted.

interviewed Euskadi radio, Otxandiano accuses the jeltzales that “the interests of the rentiers prevail over the subjective right to housing”. To “know where everyone is and to know what the positioning is due to,” he said, “you have to look to the past.” In this sense, he recalled that in 2015, when the Basque housing law was approved, the jeltzales voted against, “which explains a lot of things that happened later”. Similarly, he also emphasized that two years ago, in the context of the budget negotiations, the Basque government committed to intervene in rents when there was a state law to do so. “They don’t want to regulate the rent, period,” has been settled.

Regarding the discrepancies surrounding the Education Law Project, the person in charge of the Abertzale coalition program has acknowledged that the climate generated is “not adequate” and has called for “a serene, high-level debate” on the education system. Despite everything, he assures that “most of the education pact is still alive”. “We are progressing and things are being specified. It is clear that the specification is further complicating the debate,” he added.

As for the position of the PSE-EE, he believes that the socialists are in “the schemes of the past” and “they do not know what they are saying or are not telling the whole truth”.

As he said in his appearance yesterday, Otxandiano has insisted that “we are facing a historic opportunity” to transform the education system.

Source: EITB


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