Hondarribia, Andoain, Deba… These are the last agreements concluded a few days after the appointment of the mayors


The machinery of the post-electoral pacts is speeding up with a view to the composition of the new municipal councils this Saturday.

The political parties continue to negotiate agreements for the composition of the new municipal councils next Saturday, when the new corporations also elect the new mayors and mayors.

These are the agreements that have been made in the last few hours:

andoain: Andoni Álvarez (EH Bildu) becomes mayor, except for a last-minute surprise, following the agreement between the Abertzale coalition and Elkarrekin Podemos.

hondarribia: Igor Enparan (Abotsanitz) will be sworn in as mayor after EH Bildu announced to vote in his favor in Saturday’s session.

arigorriaga: Maite Ibarra (EH Bildu) will repeat as mayor after the agreement reached with the civil platforms Arrigorriaga Gara and NOA.

should: Alazne Txurruka (PNV) becomes the new mayor as a result of the agreement between her party and the local platform Orain Deba, which was presented under the umbrella of Elkarrekin Podemos.

With 72 hours to go until the composition of the municipal councils, cities such as Pamplona/Iruña, Gernika, Llodio, Durango, Galdakao, Laguardia, Labastida and Oyón remain the greatest unknowns.

Source: EITB


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