Idoia Mendia announces that she will leave Basque politics at the end of this term


The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor and Employment has emphasized that she will remain available to the party for other tasks.

The Second Vice President and Minister of Labor and Employment, Idoia Mendiaannounced on Friday that he will leave Basque politics when this term expires.

In an interview on the “Boulevard” program on Radio Euskadi, Mendia acknowledged that the time has come to end his time in the Basque government. According to him, it is necessary to ‘give room to a new generation’.

When asked about her future, she replied that she will remain available to the party for other tasks. However, he has not made it clear where he will continue his political career: “Wherever it is decided.”

In any case, he believes his party “will know how to take advantage” of his experience in other areas.

Idoia Mendia’s departure follows that of her colleagues in the Basque government, Iñigo Urkullu, Josu Erkoreka and Pedro Azpiazu.

Source: EITB


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