Interview with Eneko Andueza, General Secretary of the PSE-EE today, May 22, 2024, on Radio Euskadi


The Secretary General of the PSE-EE has accused the sovereigntist coalition of failing to understand the “political moment” which, according to him, “has given prominence to an emerging PSE-EE”. About the negotiations with the PNV, he only mentions that “they are moving faster than four years ago.”

Eider duck Garaikoetxea O. | EITB media

The General Secretary of the PSE-EE, Eneko Anduezahas revealed little about its negotiations with the PNV over the formation of the next Basque government – ​​“discretion is the norm for socialists,” he has argued – and has concentrated on criticizing EH Bilduwhich in his opinion “has difficulty dealing with frustration” of the April 21 election results.

In an interview for the program ‘Boulevard’ on Radio Euskadi, the leader of the Basque Socialists explained that they rejected the proposal of the sovereigntist coalition to meet because it’s not the time” before. ‘I feel that EH Bildu has not understood the political moment we are in, and they want that too look for a leadership role which they don’t have. They saw themselves as winners of those elections, they saw themselves as having a place of prominence and a central position that they did not achieve (…) a central position that others did,” he insisted. According to Andueza, the last elections, both municipal, provincial and regional, left a “PSE-EE on the rise”.

Questioned by the negotiations with the JeltzalsThe spokesperson for the PSE-EE in the Basque Parliament has reiterated that “they are going, it is not small” and that they have already “closed a few blocks”. “They are moving at a good pace, perhaps faster than four years ago,” he admitted, although he has not ruled out that they will be extended until the last minute, until shortly before the investiture plenary session on June 20. Andueza has reiterated that the Socialists are “ready to take on any form of responsibility” and that the decision to become deputy lehendakari will be the last to be adopted. “The suspense will last until the end,” he added.

He pointed out, among other things, that the future government program will also include provisions Osakidetza with the “necessary personnel” you need to resolve the issues you have or are in policy residence They will play a “very important role” if they are controlled by the Socialists. He has also advocated renewal of the statute of Gernika, although to do so “some will have to put aside their nationalist obsessions.”

Source: EITB


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