Rules and guidelines – the house rules for good coexistence in the country


The most recent election results in Germany have clearly shown it: Those who raise the mood on the immigration issue get votes. It turns out that the issue of migration dominates politics across national borders. The magazine “Der Pragmaticus” has drawn up house rules for a good coexistence in Austria.

The cancellation of the Taylor Swift concert and the attack in Solingen also prompted the magazine “Der Pragmaticus” to work with experts to develop realistic criteria for coexistence in an enlightened democracy.

To develop house rules for living together, Unique Research conducted representative surveys and respondents ranked statements about religion, school, family, daily life, and state and society in order of importance (scroll above).

High approval
Points such as “Delinquent immigrants are not allowed to stay with us”, “Women can choose their partners as freely as men, regardless of their religion and ethnicity”, “Parents share responsibility for the success of their children at school and in society”, or “The law of the state is above the law of religion” are just as important to Austrians as the statement “We say please and thank you”. In total, the house rules received 74 percent approval.

The media house rules may also remind us of the leading or suffering cultural campaign of the ÖVP. As is known, this turned out to be, at least initially, more of a political farce. An advertising motif with the slogan “Tradition instead of multicultural” had to be scrapped and many others had to be changed at least partially.

Source: Krone


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