Urkullu commemorates all victims of the various wars with a minute of silence


Speaking at the event commemorating Eudel’s 40th anniversary, Urkullu paid tribute to all those people who died in the various wars.

the lehendakari, Inigo Urkulluhas commemorated all the victims of the various wars, in the context of the war in Ukraine, and has asked for a minute of silence in memory of them all.

During his speech at the event commemorating Eudel’s 40th anniversary, the Lehendakari recalled the words of the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky on the bombing of Gernika and wanted to pay tribute to all those people who died in the various massacres. Urkullu has asked for a minute of silence for this.

“Yesterday it was Gernika and Durango, then there were other cities such as Leuven, Warsaw, Hiroshima, Dresden, Grozny, Sarajevo, Beirut, Aleppo… Today it is Mariúpol and Ukraine,” lamented the lehendakari before encouraging those present to a minute of silence in memory.

During his speech, Urkullu wanted to pay “tribute” to all mayors and councilors who have “shown their devotion to their people and to Euskadi over the course of these four decades of the city council”.

Urkullu has acknowledged that the municipalities “have suffered firsthand from the industrial crisis of the 1980s, the financial and economic crisis of 2008, the scourge of the pandemic or now the consequences of the invasion of Ukraine“, problems for which they have “demonstrated responsiveness and responsiveness, from proximity, sensitivity and cooperation”.

Source: EITB


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