Openbank Aspar Team expands its alliance with Power Electronics for Moto E


He Openbank Aspar Teamwhich this year is competing in the World Championship of Motorcycle E including the pilots Jordi Torres and Maria Herrerarenewed its commitment to sustainable sport with the sponsorship of Power Electronicsthe world’s leading manufacturer of solar inverters for photovoltaic plants in Europe, Oceania and the Americas and the world’s leader in energy storage.

Power Electronics In this way, it confirms its commitment to the sport, joining the most important electric motorcycle championship in the world in the hands of Openbank Aspar Teamwho this year wants to strengthen his team with the inclusion of the pilot Jordi Torrestwo-time electric motorcycle champion in the 2020 and 2021 seasons, and chose to continue the Maria Herrerawho at 26 years old will face the fifth season of electric motorcycles and is one of the three riders who have participated in all electric races conducted so far.

He Openbank Aspar Teamled by Jorge Martinez Asparis one of the teams that is part of the competition, which this year will reach 16 races and which works on sustainability in motor sports, as well as the fight against climate change, thanks to the reduction of CO2 emissions achieved through use of electric vehicles.

Power Electronics points out the importance of sponsoring teams with the same value as the organization in terms of sustainability and equality, and proves that they continue to bet on being present in Motorcycle Ethe only electric motorcycle championship in the world officially consolidated as a World Championship for the first time.

Source: La Verdad


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