Tag: Eat Drink

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Roberto Linguanotto, inventor of tiramisus, dies in Italy

Italy has lost the 'father' of tiramisu. Roberto Linguanotto, the inventor of the most famous Italian dessert, died on Sunday at the age of...

The ‘healthy glass of wine’ is a myth

Many people say that a glass of red wine is good for the heart, or that beer helps with the supply of electrolytes. However,...

Breakfast energy drink – Young people are not physically fit enough for work

As youth unemployment rises, many are unable to hold regular jobs. Several experts are now calling for a concept of precaution in health. ...

Up to 25% cheaper – supermarkets fight for customers with price cuts

After the wave of price increases in recent years, supermarket chains are now competing for customers with 'permanently discounted' items. Lidl recently made over...

Disgusting criticism of the industry – yuck! Customer was served moldy burger

Disgusting criticism of the McDonald's branch in Waidhofen an der Thaya (Lower Austria): For the second time, a Waldviertler claims to have served a...


