Feds beat Trump in court


Justice Department reveals former president and his lawyers refused to hand over classified material later found in his mansion registry

The legal dispute between former President Trump and the Justice Department over top-secret documents seized by the FBI in the raid on his Florida mansion ends with another heavy blow from the administration to the disgraced millionaire.

In an impressive and speedy lawsuit filed overnight in Florida, the Justice Department laid out in detail the extraordinary saga of attempts to recover sensitive documents stolen by Trump.

The most notable findings include that the former president and his legal advisers repeatedly refused to hand over the classified material, even after a subpoena and an alleged “thorough search.”

The classified government documents were removed from the room where they were stored and hidden, and Trump’s lawyers lied and signed documents stating that all of the classified material had already been turned in.

To top it off, a photo shows the numerous folders of documents marked classified or top secret scattered across the floor of Trump’s office in Mar-a-Lago, where the FBI seized boxes and containers containing more than 100 top secret documents classified in your desk drawers.

Trump, who has tried late and with errors in court to prevent the Justice Department from reviewing the seized material, has achieved with his legal challenge to the administration that the evidence of his obstruction of the federal investigation is now public and part of of the judicial file.

The desperate former president, who sees his legal options exhausted every day, shouted from his media platform to be a victim of the government, tried to revive the QAnon conspiracy, disappeared from natural causes and this weekend promised a national speech in Pennsylvania to a crowd of His followers.

Meanwhile, the Republicans are silent.

Source: La Verdad


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