He confirms that inflation “benefits no one” and that Eroski has also noticed the inflationary pressure of the “producer”. Being “highly aware” of the complex reality, the chain has redoubled its “promotional efforts”.
Euskaraz irakurri: Eroskik prezioei “eusteko” ahalegina nabarmendu du, mozkin-marjina “estua” duen sector batean
Eroski pointed to “the major effort” it is making to “hold down” public sale prices, which was reflected in promotional efforts in the last quarter, and recalled that the profit margin in a sector such as the distribution is “narrow”, so there is “not much leeway”.
According to the head of communications Kristin Prietoto Europa Press, Eroski is “well aware” of the complex reality “where we are now”, which translated into “high inflation”, so that especially in the last quarter have “doubled” their “promotional efforts” and has triggered several actions. “The truth is that we are making a huge effort to help customers, our consumers, and we are trying to control prices in the face of these price increases, in the face of this inflation,” he clarified.
He mentioned in particular offers such as “3×2, second unit at 70 percent or days without VAT” and above all “reward” of his own brand. In August, they activated a promotional campaign, “an economic basket consisting of 800 products, including fresh products, that a typical family can use to build their shopping basket. They are products that have the best price and it is another example of Eroski’s effort to help the consumer,” he emphasized.
He stressed that, in a complex situation like the current one, one of the first issues to be addressed is: margin of profitwhat in a sector like distribution narrow and there is “not much room for maneuver”. However, he has maintained that most of the actions they take to control prices go against their “profit margin.”
In Spain, he continued, the distribution sector is suffering from what he has called “ultra-competitiveness”, so that most distribution companies have to adjust prices “a lot” to attract customers and are “very active” in promotional activities.
Finally, he wanted to make it clear that inflation favors “nobody” and that Eroski has also noticed the inflationary pressure of the “producer”.
“You have to remember that this is a value chain, which starts with the producer and ends with the customer through the distributor. It is clear that when the cost of raw materials increases, and so does the energy cost, the producer finds himself in need of his selling price, and we who are part of this value chain have to buy that product at a higher price I insist that I don’t pass the full price on to the consumer because we understand it’s a situation where we have to make an effort he concluded.
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.