These union centers have explained that they have decided to convene these mobilizations “because of the lack of will to negotiate and the blockade by the FVEM”. The interruptions are on October 27 and 28 and on November 2.
Euskaraz irakurri: CCOOk, UGTk eta LABek dear hiru greba egun deitu dituzte Bizkaiko metalgintzan
The CCOO, LAB and UGT unions, which represent a 59.95% majority at the negotiating table for the Metal de Bizkaia agreement, have announced three new strike days for the days October 27 and 28 and November 2.
New days of #Strike in the #Metal from #Bizkaiagiven the lack of will to negotiate and the blocking of negotiations on the agreement by @fvem_es
October 27 and 28
November 2nd#UGTenFight#SomosUGT– UGT Euskadi (@UGT_Euskadi) October 4, 2022
These union centers have explained that they have decided to convene these mobilizations “because of the lack of will to negotiate and the blockade by the FVEM”.
These unions, which will appear on Thursday to provide more details, have indicated that they are working on the accession of more unions to this new call, as the mobilizations in the Metal de Bizkaia have so far been called by these three unions and THE A.
So they have again called for mobilization nearly 52,000 employees in the sector. These days are in addition to the three strike days that were held in the sector before the summer holidays and which were also declared by ELA.
CCOO, LAB and UGT, majority association of the Metal of #Bizkaiawe are again calling for three days of strike in the sector.
¿Urriak 27 and 28 October
Azaroak November 2
Metal hitzarmenaren aldeko borrokak darrai!#BizkaikoMetalaBorrokan– Federation Industry (@CCOOindustria) October 4, 2022
On this occasion, it was not possible to reach an agreement between the four unions to continue the unity of action in the call for protest.
According to sources from UGT and CCOO, there is no agreement with ELA about the negotiating approach by the unions and about the duration of the strikes to be called.
The organizers are in favor of continuing to negotiate with the FVEM, promoting the above-mentioned protests and later analyzing how they can continue to defend their interests.
On October 27 and 28 and November 2, we will again have three days of strike in the metal industry of Biscay
More detail— LAB SINDIKATUA (@LABsindikatua) October 4, 2022
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Source: EITB

I’m Wayne Wickman, a professional journalist and author for Today Times Live. My specialty is covering global news and current events, offering readers a unique perspective on the world’s most pressing issues. I’m passionate about storytelling and helping people stay informed on the goings-on of our planet.