Assemblies of Bizkaibus de Busturialdea workers ratify the strikes that will start on October 24


There will be 11 strike days. The workers’ meetings demand a new collective labor agreement that in any case includes a wage increase in accordance with the CPI.

The Workers’ Meetings of Bizkaibus Busturialdea Lea Artibai (BLB) have ratified the proposal of the works councilwith the sole representation of UGT, or 11 days strike. The strike days begin on October 24 and last for 9 days in November with partial strikes and a 24-hour strike on October 31. last Monday of Gernika.

141 employees of the 170 of the operator of Alsa-Transitia took part in the meetings, who voted unanimously (one vote against) for the strike dayswhich affects the lines connecting Bilbao to Bermeo, Lekeitio, Ondarroa, Gernika, Mungia, Ermua, UPV-EHU Y galdakao hospitalas reported by UGT.

UGT denounces the “blocking negotiations of the agreement”, with no update since December 2020, and the company’s intention to freeze wages, while in other Bizkaibus concession companies, such as Avanza Durangaldea, “an agreement was reached last year with wage increases to the CPI (6.4 %) and at a time when inflation is skyrocketing”.

For this reason, UGT has appealed to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, as responsible for the Bizkaibus service, so that “wage differences between some concessionaires and others are not identified”.

In particular, the strike days declared by the UGT and approved by the workers of the company Busturialdea Lea Artibai Bus (BLB) with partial strikes will be the days October 24 and November 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 25, 28 and 30 from 5.50 am to 9.20 am and from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm, as well as a 24-hour strike on October 31, which coincides with the celebration of the last Monday in Gernika.

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Source: EITB


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