The Spanish government is working on reforming labor crimes in the Penal Code


Labor Minister Yolanda Díaz has urged social agents to “culminate” a strategy for occupational health and prevention.

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The Ministries of Labor and Justice of the Spanish government work with the Public Prosecution Service in the reformulation of crimes against workers’ rights collected in the Penal Code, as the realities of today’s world of work “have nothing to do” with what existed when they were formulated.

The Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, defended this reform at a press conference in Bilbao, in the context of the Healthy Workplaces Summit organized by the city, promoted by the European agency in the field.

The minister has argued for improvement of the wording of Articles 311 to 318 of the Criminal Codethat regulate crimes against workers’ rights.

As he has pointed out, there is “indeterminacy” in some of the types of criminals considered and sometimes there are “enormous difficulties” in completing “an adequate investigation” and adequately ending a criminal process.

The Minister also urged social actors to “culminate once and for all” a strategy on health and prevention at work, in the context of the social dialogue.

As he has claimed, “a single death is enough” to make someone think that “the system is failing” and to put “all the tools” in order to occupational accident rate. The number of deaths in accidents at work is rising in the Spanish state 613 this year, according to his data.

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Source: EITB


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