Poison bait laid down – “The animals are dying a truly horrible death!”


Eisenstadt veterinarian Gabriele Velich asks for caution and that animal owners and walkers keep their eyes peeled. Because unfortunately there are poison baits again.

Carbamate is in plant protection products and is used to coat corn kernels so that they are not eaten by mice. It is also snail pellet in certain varieties and is used – illegally – to control birds of prey and ravens. Because the agent is highly toxic, and any animal that comes in contact with it will die miserably without prompt help.

In the current case of poisoning, a small dog was caught and brought to Gabriele Velich’s office with severe convulsions. “With carbamate poisoning, the animals have violent attacks,” says the vet. “They almost jump in their ordi and tremble everywhere.”

Not a trivial offense
The dog must have picked up the poison in the Milchgrubenweg area in St. Margarethen. In the case of the four-legged friend, Velich doesn’t believe it was really meant for him. “I’m afraid it’s designed for birds of prey or other animals,” said the vet. She emphatically points out that it is forbidden and not trivial but punishable to deploy such bait.

“It doesn’t matter who it was intended for, it’s madness because the animals die miserably from it.” Velich estimates that the seizures occur about 15 minutes after taking the poison. If you don’t act immediately, help is hardly possible.

Appeal to pet owners and walkers
In any case, the owners from St. Margarethen were quick to act, the little one will probably make it. But the most important thing is to take the animal to the vet right away! In addition, Velich asks dog owners and everyone else to be careful not to see who is luring or behaving strangely. “We had something like this about 15 years ago,” she says. “Then it grew into a real series of poisonings.”

Source: Krone


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