No respect – young people provoke police action in court


Desert scenes in the Salzburg regional court on Thursday afternoon: aggressive young people scream and throng down the aisle during a trial against a youth gang. Around 3 p.m., the police had to intervene and arrest two of the troublemakers.

Twelve robberies, 13 bodily injuries and ten robberies are said to be attributable to a gang of eight youths aged between 14 and 17 – including three Austrians, two Afghans and one from Syria, Albania and Romania. At the start of the trial on Tuesday, the prosecutor spoke only of the “tip of the iceberg”.

The numerous crimes committed in different constellations have led to “an enormous amount of work for the police, the prosecutor’s office and the court”. This can also be seen in the courtroom: from the visitors’ benches, half a dozen police officers in protective clothing observed what was happening – also to prevent giggling friends of the suspect from taking pictures. According to the judge, such process recordings have recently appeared on social media. There was also a lack of respect for authorities in the courtroom.

Two teens arrested
But on Thursday, two participants went all out. Around 3 p.m., a 15-year-old suspect and a 16-year-old witness behaved so aggressively while waiting in the aisle that the police had to intervene. The surrounding friends and acquaintances did not exactly behave in a representative manner towards the officials.

The boys were arrested for not stopping their behavior despite their expulsion and warning. Shortly afterwards, those arrested were released from police custody. He was charged with aggressive behavior and making noise.

Source: Krone


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