What are they, where can they be bought and what profitability do they offer?


The high yields of Treasury bills and bonds have generated great interest among private investors. Here are some keys to these securities issued by the Public Treasury in Spain.

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The Public debt It has been the great protagonist in the Spanish state for several months. The attractive short-term profitability it offers has boosted demand letters, debentures and debentures By the private investorsespecially from the middle of last year, when interest rates in the euro area started to rise.

Only last week there were applications for the amount of €300 million due to a high demand that has caused problems on the website of the Public Treasury, one of the channels to obtain bills, and queues at the Bank of Spain, where you can buy government debt in person. At the beginning of January, the website received some 800,000 daily visits and last Thursday it registered about 5 million. Private investors account for about 2% of total demand for government debt.

The issuance of government debt is three types depending on the payback period or duration to recoup the investment.

Just a few months ago, Treasury bill profitability was no more than 1%, and today it stands at 2.813%. This figure contrasts with the 0.4 – 0.6% that Spanish bank deposits give; the European average is 1.5 – 2%.

There are three ways to buy government debt: through the Bank of Spain headquarters, the website of the Public Treasury and banking entities.

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Source: EITB


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